Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Top 5 Best Products To Use For Auditions

There are a so many stresses in the acting world before an audition, that the last thing you want to have to think about is, "Oh crap, what products should I put in my hair," or "What's the best foundation for camera auditions?!" We have enough stress as it is an actor to have to or even want to think about these things. Women in this business especially have these issues far more than men. All men have to do is check there hair and make sure they're wearing something remotely respectable for the director to want to call them back. As women we have to make sure our hair looks perfect, our skin is flawless and our clothes fit well, but not too tight or that would send off the wrong message. So I've made a list of my top 5 fabulous favorite products that no gal should be without before heading off to that audition. 

1.) MoroccanOil Curl Control Cream-Specifically (for my type of hair, curly) which I absolutely swear is the best stuff invented for curly hair since moisturizing conditioner. MoroccanOil Curl Control Creme will give your curls natural bounce, along with a luxurious shine and won't weight your hair down, which as gals and gents with curly hair we all have this issue. You will also be smelling notoriously yummy to all of your auditioners. Now you won't have to worry about these stresses anymore! This stuff is AMAZING! Major plus---none of their products use animal products and are %100 Not Animal Tested!! Link to their website:http://www.moroccanoil.com/en/our-products.html  

2.) Bare Escentuals  Mineral Makeup-In auditions women typically need to have a very natural look to them and Bare Minerals Makeup will not only leave your already glowing skin silky smooth, but it will also give you that dewy, natural look that camera lighting tends to take away from faces. Not only will you get foundation, blush, bronzer and brushes in your starter kit, but you will also get mascara that won't make your eyes itch or burn. Bring it on camera lighting!!  Website Link: http://www.bareescentuals.com 

3.) Now we all need to stay hydrated girls. Especially before an audition where it is absolutely essential for our vocal cords to be hydrated up before we let them hear our beautiful voices. My top favorite bottled water to carry with me when I can is Glaceau's Smart Water. This stuff is awesome, because it has electrolytes already in it to keep you hydrated and to keep your body in check. Website Link: http://www.drinkbetterwater.com/  

4.) Now this next one may sound weird, but my mother who's a professional voice over artist swears by it! A Digital Voice Recorder. Memorizations is key and what better way to have lines memorized than to use a digital voice recorder to hear how you sound to your auditoners. What's really neat about digital voice recorders is you can memorize your lines and hear what you will sound like all at the same time! One of my favorite brands is: Sony ICD BX800 2 GB Digital voice recorder - 2 GB flash. Available at: http://www.amazon.com/Sony-ICD-BX800-Memory-Digital-Recorder/dp/B00387E5AS  

5.) And last but certainly not least, a portable hard case clipboard folder that you can take with you to auditions and store your headshots, resumes, contact cards, comp cards, pens and contact info in all at the same time, while not ruining or bending your beloved photos and resumes. I personally recommend my favorite brand: SlimCase. Website: http://www.dexas.com/OfficeSchool_Products.aspx