Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Punish dog fighting! Not our beloved Pits!

Punish the deed, not the breed!


Things that inspire me...

I love Raquel Welch and people have always told me that I look like her. Maybe its time I start believing them...

Talk about one of the most beautiful women in the world. And a high plus that she's Italiano!

One of the best family shows on TV. And it's not too cheesy..


I so want a tattoo of a hummingbird! :)

The most loyal and loving breed on earth. Its my personal goal to get every Pitbull off the streets, out of fighting rings and into safe, loving, forever homes.

My two loves! Cows and sunflowers! :)

I keep adopting kittens! Soon I'm going to turn into the crazy cat lady!

I love love :)

More to come later friends :)

Monday, March 21, 2011


Watch the 5th Episode of, "The Spilling Daisies Show" It will Rock your socks off!!

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Episode 2 of, "The Spilling Daisies Show" out now!! This is a great episode folks! :)

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Our First Guest on The Spilling Daisies Show!!

The crew here at, "The Spilling Daisies Show" is very excited to have our very first guest, the lovely, successful and extremely talented actress, Bonnie Antonini! She is a Sacramento local and has been featured in many theatrical, film and commercial productions. We are so excited to have the opportunity to add Mrs.Antonini to our exciting line-up!! Thanks Bonnie!!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Pertinent Issues

Lately poor Christina Aguilera has been receiving some major flack regarding her interpretation of "The National Anthem" at this years 2011 Super Bowl XLV. As we all know the poor girl did an edited version of the song, (so the rumor is) or better yet screwed it up. With all that being said, she did a phenomenal job regardless of what people say, her vocals hit it out of the park. It doesn't matter how the girl looked, whether she looked "fat" or "like she was going to a funeral" or any other ridiculous comments that insecure people made about her, she still sang the song fabulously. It's not about what the singer wears or how she looks, its about the message the song sends to our country. The National Anthem has been messed up before as (any singer knows) it is an extremely difficult song to sing live in front of millions of people.
    There are other major things going on in our world right now that we should be focusing on people. For example, how about whats currently happening in Egypt right now, with the countries people doing everything they can to get President Mubarak out of office? This is an extremely serious issue that should have more focus than Miss Agulieria messing up, "The National Anthem" at a football game. Or how about the story of President Obama stealing a line from the late John F. Kennedy? Isn't that something we should putting more focus into, rather than a minor flubbed song line?
     The fact that our president has the audacity to steal a line from John F. Kennedy is purely insulting to me. Come up with your own, original lines Mr.President not those of a legend. Be creative please and let us hear something new. See video below:

Or perhaps if you would like a few laughs and you would like to do a compare/contrast of Mrs. Aguilera to the younger version JoJo, feel free to check out these video's below:

Over all though, I'd say although Christina did not do that bad of a job, however, there are still much more pertinent issues to be buzzing about, like what I spoke about earlier, such as what is currently happening in Egypt and how Obama well is Obama.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Top 5 Best Products To Use For Auditions

There are a so many stresses in the acting world before an audition, that the last thing you want to have to think about is, "Oh crap, what products should I put in my hair," or "What's the best foundation for camera auditions?!" We have enough stress as it is an actor to have to or even want to think about these things. Women in this business especially have these issues far more than men. All men have to do is check there hair and make sure they're wearing something remotely respectable for the director to want to call them back. As women we have to make sure our hair looks perfect, our skin is flawless and our clothes fit well, but not too tight or that would send off the wrong message. So I've made a list of my top 5 fabulous favorite products that no gal should be without before heading off to that audition. 

1.) MoroccanOil Curl Control Cream-Specifically (for my type of hair, curly) which I absolutely swear is the best stuff invented for curly hair since moisturizing conditioner. MoroccanOil Curl Control Creme will give your curls natural bounce, along with a luxurious shine and won't weight your hair down, which as gals and gents with curly hair we all have this issue. You will also be smelling notoriously yummy to all of your auditioners. Now you won't have to worry about these stresses anymore! This stuff is AMAZING! Major plus---none of their products use animal products and are %100 Not Animal Tested!! Link to their website:  

2.) Bare Escentuals  Mineral Makeup-In auditions women typically need to have a very natural look to them and Bare Minerals Makeup will not only leave your already glowing skin silky smooth, but it will also give you that dewy, natural look that camera lighting tends to take away from faces. Not only will you get foundation, blush, bronzer and brushes in your starter kit, but you will also get mascara that won't make your eyes itch or burn. Bring it on camera lighting!!  Website Link: 

3.) Now we all need to stay hydrated girls. Especially before an audition where it is absolutely essential for our vocal cords to be hydrated up before we let them hear our beautiful voices. My top favorite bottled water to carry with me when I can is Glaceau's Smart Water. This stuff is awesome, because it has electrolytes already in it to keep you hydrated and to keep your body in check. Website Link:  

4.) Now this next one may sound weird, but my mother who's a professional voice over artist swears by it! A Digital Voice Recorder. Memorizations is key and what better way to have lines memorized than to use a digital voice recorder to hear how you sound to your auditoners. What's really neat about digital voice recorders is you can memorize your lines and hear what you will sound like all at the same time! One of my favorite brands is: Sony ICD BX800 2 GB Digital voice recorder - 2 GB flash. Available at:  

5.) And last but certainly not least, a portable hard case clipboard folder that you can take with you to auditions and store your headshots, resumes, contact cards, comp cards, pens and contact info in all at the same time, while not ruining or bending your beloved photos and resumes. I personally recommend my favorite brand: SlimCase. Website: